10 tips and tricks how to speed up windows performance of your PC and Laptop

1. Remove Programs That Do Not Important 
Note the programs that are not important or that had not been used that is installed in your PC or laptop, remove the program because the program will take resources, both on disk and RAM, uninstall it by:

click [Start] click [Control Panel] click [Uninstall a Program] to remove the program.

2. Defragment the hard drive 

Defragment the hard drive is done to fix the harddisk 'fragmented' or 'fragmentation'. This is due to your PC or Laptop too frequently install or uninstall programs. 'Fragmented' or 'fragmentation' harddisk cause decreased performance PC or Laptop for fragmentation on the hard disk makes a PC or Laptop to work extra hard, because hard disk looking for data / files / programs in widely scattered locations. 
Defragment your hard drive can be done by:

click [Start] click [All Programs] Click [Accessories] click [System Tools] click [Disk Defragmenter] did Defragment the hard drive on all the drivers your PC or laptop.

3. Reduce Program That Works On StartUp 

Applications that work on Windows StartUp time will be run automatically when the PC or laptop is turned on. That means that the computer needs additional time to open these programs in the background. Though not all of these applications are used, this resulted in a PC or laptop at the time StartUp very slow. To remove an application that works on startup do the following,

click [Start] click [Run] type [MSCONFIG] click [OK] Click [Startup] ga uncheck the 'essential, click [OK] to restart your PC or Laptop.

4. Backup Font Not Used 

Font installed on your PC or Laptop generally reached thousands. The question is, what percentage does frequently used? Unless often played in graphic design applications, but if not then certainly these fonts are very seldom touched. All of these fonts will load the OS. Move / Backup fonts of the (unused), by:

of [Control Panel] click [Appearance and Personalization] select [Fonts] create a new folder for backup unused fonts, font move unused in the backup folder.

 5. Remove Data Not Important 
Data stored in your PC or Laptop requires space harddsik, preferably all of the data that you feel is important to remove it. Because the data that meets the disk can make the performance of your PC or laptop to be slow. Do not forget to take also the data residing on a litter box or recycle bin, temporary folder and internet browser cache. Check out the rest of the hard drive space by:

click [My Computer] on the drive to be checked right-click and select [Properties] (Used Space / Used Space and Free Space / The Still Empty or residual Empty Room).

6. Reduce Visual Effects 

Reduce few effects that are less important, or even eliminate it if the taste interfere with vision. Measures to reduce / eliminate the Visual Effect is,

click [Start] and then type [System Properties Performance] box [Search] select emerging applications. Select the tab [Visual Effects] deselect were deemed ga 'important, the last click [OK].

7. Check the virus on your PC or Laptop

I recommend to always install Anti Virus is always updated (though I never use Anti Virus on a laptop), especially if you are an Internet user, it is mandatory Anti Virus is installed on your PC or Laptop, and do Scan your PC or Laptop least once a week , Because I think Viruses can cause your PC or Laptop into slow performance, because the virus is usually called at boot time and stay in memory. Even some of the virus accidentally meet memory and slowing down your PC or Laptop.

8. Turn off System Index Search

Process Index by Windows 7 works every time and wear certain amount of memory. Moreover, the process requires a separate space on the hard drive for storing files that are indexed. The more files in the computer so the more storage capacity is needed. Then turn off indexing for performance Windows 7  for the better, by the way:

Click [Start] on the [Search] type [Services.msc] press [Enter] find [Windows Search] and select [Stop] or [Disable].

 9. Accelerate Process Shutdown 
Windows 7 in the shutdown process is already quite fast, but it would not hurt if we want even faster than the original features, the way he is,

click [Start] type [regedit] in the [Search] press [Enter] and then locate and open the
 [HKEY-LOCAL_MACHINE] [SYSTEM] [CurrentControlSet] [control] the right part of right-click on [WaitToKillServiceTimeOut] select [Modify] and then change the value The default becomes smaller to speed. Click [OK]

10. Reduce Service 
Turning off unneeded services can improve system boot speed PC or Laptop. Below them are several services that I think you need to disable it, because it affects the speed of your PC or laptop, including: 
➤ Application Experience;
➤ Diagnostic Policy Service;
➤ Distributed Link Tracking Client;
➤ IP Helper;
➤ Offline Files;
➤ Portable Device Enumerator Service; 

➤ Protected Storage;
➤ Secondary Logon;
➤ Security Center;
➤ Tablet PC Input Service;
➤ TCP / IP NetBIOS Helper;
➤ Windows Error Reporting Service;
➤ Windows Media Center Service Launcher.

The steps for disabling Service, the -> click [Start] type [Services] box [Search] right click on the Service that you want to change the status, select [Properties] on the startup type specify his choice, including: [Automatic (Delayed Start) ] - [Automatic] - [Manual] - [Disable]. Click [OK] and then [Restart] PC or Laptop.


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